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free: [verb] to cause to be free. to relieve or rid of what restrains, confines, restricts, or embarrasses. disentangle, clear.
I Free nascono a Londra nel 1968 quando Paul Kossoff ( 1950 - 1976) e Simon Kirke ( 1949 ), rispettivamente chitarrista e batterista dei Black Cat Bones, contattano il cantante Paul Rodgers ( 1949) dopo averlo visto in azione con la sua blues band, i Brown Sugar. Come bassista viene reclutato il sedicenne Andy Fraser (1952 - 2015).
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Free were an English rock band formed in London in 1968, best known for their hit songs "All Right Now” and "Wishing Well". They disbanded in 1973; lead singer Paul Rodgers went on to become the frontman of the more successful rock band Bad Company, which also featured his Free bandmate Simon Kirke on drums. Lead guitarist Paul Kossoff formed Back Street Crawler in 1973, but died from a ...
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